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Download ICAI CA Final Study Material Nov 2022 PDF

CA Final Study Material

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India every year releases the Syllabus for CA Final. Students who are looking for the CA Final Syllabus have landed on the right page. However, On this page, you will be able to check the full syllabus of the CA Final and CA Final Practice Manual. 

After completing the registration for CA Final, ICAI sends the hard copy of the study material to the students at their specified address. However, the students can download the CA Final Study from this page.

The ICAI CA Final module is very important that the student doesn’t have to refer to any other books, or they do not have to go to any store for books. The ICAI explains everything very clearly in its study material, that what ICAI is demanding from you. The writing skills, presentation skills everything are very clearly mentioned by ICAI.

Moreover, the total CA Course Duration at the Final level is 10 Months, which includes 8 Months of the study period and 2 months of waiting period for results.

CA Final Study Material Nov 2022 (New Syllabus)

CA Final Syllabus consists of 8 papers, which are divided into two groups, each group consists of 4 Subjects. Moreover, Below is the Link to download the Complete CA Final Study Material in PDF Format.

CA Final Study Material – PDF

Paper 1: Financial Reporting

CA Final Financial Reporting is the first paper for CA Final. CA Financial reporting is the most scored subject in group 1 of the CA Final. It includes chapters like Accounting Standards, Valuation, corporate financial reporting, etc. However, One needs to study thoroughly for this exam. Financial Reporting requires a lot of practice and revision for Exemption.

Paper 2: Strategic Financial Management

Strategic Financial Management is the second subject in CA Final. The subject is divided into two parts: Part 1:  Capital Budgeting, and Part 2: Portfolio Management. This subject helps students to know about how capital flows which is important in real life. 

This subject includes topics relating to Finance like Mutual funds, international financial management, corporate valuation foreign exchange, etc.

Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics

This subject is your paper 3 in CA Final Exam. Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics has a vast syllabus. This subject is Completely theory-based. The subject is divided into two parts i.e. CA Final Auditing and Professional Ethics. 

Students need to learn by heart the technical terms and the presentation of the answer should be very understanding, this helps the student to score good marks in this subject.

Paper 4: Corporate and Economic Law

Corporate and Economics Law is the 4 papers in CA Final. This subject is a completely theoretical subject, you need to study this subject thoroughly, in the Law section students need to learn all the dates and sections by heart.

Moreover, to score good marks in this subject, one needs to know to present the best answers in the exam. One should make their answers presentable and Understandable.

Paper 5: Strategic Cost Management and Performace evaluation

This is the 5th Subject in the CA Final Exam, this subject is related to Cost. Topics like budgeting, standard costing, Transfer Pricing, Decision Making, CVP analysis, etc. This subject concept based. Moreover, students can only achieve good marks in this subject by understanding the concepts and Practicing the practical questions. 

Paper 6: Elective

CA Final Elective papers are open book exams. There are 6 subjects for elective from which students have to choose one. Students can select the subject as per their choice and want, they can select a subject on the basis of their interest and Knowledge. These elective subjects follow a 30:70 assessment pattern. Moreover, the subjects in Paper 6 are:

  1. Risk Management
  2. Financial Services and Capital Market
  3. International Taxation
  4. Economics Law
  5. Global Financial Reporting Standards
  6. Multidisciplinary Case Study

Paper 7: Direct Tax Law and International Taxation

Direct Tax Law and International Taxation is the seventh paper of the CA Final Exam. The subject is divided into two sections the first one is the Direct Tax law and the Second one is International Taxation. This subject is a completely practical subject. However, for scoring good marks in these subjects students need to practice the practical question as much as they can.

Paper 8: Indirect Tax Law 

Indirect tax law is the 8th subject and the last paper of the CA Final, the subject is divided into two parts the first one is Goods and Service Tax and the Second One is Custom Law GST. Moreover, Students should focus on GST to score good marks in this subject. Students should solve as much as practical questions as they can and should keep them in practice.


In this article we have talked about the CA Final study material, we have provided you with the link to download the CA Final Study material. For more updates related to CA, candidates must Visit CA Wizard, here you will get all updates related to CA courses like Mock test papers, Revision test papers, Tips to pass CA Exam and much more.

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