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The Top 5 Reasons You Can’t Rank Your Website On Google!

You have launched your website intending to reach out to new clients. You are also working hard to rank your website at the top of Google search results. You can take the help of a professional SEO agency like SEO Perth.

If you have been working on it for a long time and yet not getting the desired results, it is high time to know why the website is not ranking high on Google.

In this article, you will understand five possible reasons why your website can’t rank higher on Google!

1. Google doesn’t index your site

When Google doesn’t index any website, the website doesn’t show on the searches. It may happen for two reasons as follows:

  1. Website is missing sitemap: You may not have created a sitemap, which is an essential element helping the search engines crawl through your website.

    Check whether you have submitted the sitemap. If not, create one and upload it to Google.
  1. Pages marked as No-Index: Check for your robots.txt file and list down the pages. If they have a label of No-Index, these pages won’t be crawled and won’t get added to Google’s database.

You should remove the No-Index label from the pages which are for the public. And retain the No-Index only for the pages which shouldn’t be indexed.

2. Incorrect keywords

Not using correct keywords can be a hurdle in getting your website at the top of Google searches.

Discovering what keywords visitors input is a daunting task. But you need to search for the right keywords. And the good news is there are lots of tools available online- paid and free, that help you to find those.

You can use Google’s search engine console to know what kind of keywords users are entering to find your site. You can also check for keywords used on your competitor’s website and get an idea of using the right keywords.

You will need to plan how to distribute the relevant keywords throughout your content. In addition, you should also include them in the H1 and H2 tags, page title and meta descriptions.

Check whether you have followed the right strategy for using keywords and action on it accordingly.

3. Google has penalised your website!

Check whether one or multiple activities to bring the website to the top in Google have violated their guidelines.

Remind yourself if you have used some spam-type backlinks, have plagiarised content, or have extra-optimised anchor text.

Read further to find out how you can do corrective actions on this issue.

●       Manual Actions: Go to Google Search Console and click on your website name (property name). Then click on the Manual Actions button on the left-hand side menu. The page will come up with one or several issues, as mentioned by Google. Try to resolve these issues and submit your website to Google for reconsideration.

4. Google released a new Algorithm

Google has several algorithms to evaluate the quality of websites. It helps Google assess the quality of the content and check whether the website offers informative content to the users.

Any update in these algorithms modifies Google’s ways of finding and ranking web pages.

To overcome this issue, you may get professional help from a professional agency like Perth SEO.

5. Absence of authoritative backlinks

The direct hyperlink from an external website to your website is your backlink. Backlinks are like a trust certification given by another website to your site. They need to come from a website that has already established its authority in the web space.

Google considers this recommendation and looks at your website with trust. It can help to rank your web pages higher on Google.

Getting backlinks is a complex process if you work on yourself and could be very time-consuming. You can always hire any SEO agency like Perth SEO to get the job done.

Once you build up a website and launch it on the internet, it’s a good thing. But, many times, websites don’t rank high on Google. It does take some time for a website to rank on Google. But despite being online for a substantial time, if the website doesn’t rank higher on the search engine, it’s a problem that needs to get sorted.

You need to check possible reasons why your website isn’t ranking on Google. There are many reasons, and they need to check one by one. Firstly, check whether you have a sitemap and ensure you submit that to Google. Sitemaps help the search engine to crawl through your pages and add the information to the database of Google.

Secondly, implement the correct SEO strategy and look for the right keywords. Ensure you use the right keywords and include them in H1, H2, meta tags and the SEO title.

You will also have to check whether Google has penalised your site. If this is the case, you can always go to the Google search console and look for the manual actions. Check for the issues cited by Google, correct them and resubmit the website for reconsideration.


Keep a check on Google algorithm updates. It may also affect your previous efforts to rank your website. Some algorithm updates need to start you from level zero to get your strategy working to bring your website to the top.

Workaround getting authoritative backlinks from authority websites. Google will have an enhanced trust in your website, and you will see your website getting more traffic and ranking high in search engines. From all the above, we can conclude that you will need a robust SEO strategy to get your website on top of Google. But what after that? You will also need to retain its place there forever. These problems call for action to get you trained with SEO techniques or hire an SEO agency that can deal with all these issues.

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