How Influencer Marketing Changed the Game: The New Way of Celebrity Endorsements


We have often seen the products they endorse, but perhaps we can not relate to them. As children, we were constantly exposed to billboards and hoardings featuring famous people endorsing products. Why? We know that these celebrities lead very different lives from our own because of this. Celebrities have long used their platforms to influence public opinion and advertise products. According to tradition, celebrity endorsement provides a distinct differentiation in a market with a high concentration of local, regional, and global brands. In recent times, brands have embraced the influencer marketing trend. A Linqia study found that 86% of marketers used influencer marketing in 2016.

Influencer marketing


Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that relies on recommendations and product mentions from influencers, who are people with sizable social media followings and who are recognized as authorities in their fields. Influencer marketing works well because it can aid in building trust between a brand and its clients. Customers are more likely to trust and believe in a brand when it is supported by someone they respect.


Celebrity endorsement refers to using famous people in marketing campaigns to advertise a business’s products or services or to raise money for charitable causes. The most significant benefit of celebrity endorsement is its capacity to assist a brand in becoming well-known. Your customers will remember the names of their favorite celebrities who support your brand.


The way a celebrity or an influencer recommends your product is very different. A company pays a famous person with a sizable fan base to advertise their products. A celebrity endorsement can significantly increase a brand’s reach. Customers frequently refer to you by the names of famous people who support your business. On the other hand, fans of an influencer believe that the recommendation comes from a more thorough and trustworthy source than something as simple as a written contract between a business and a well-known individual.

Influencers frequently pick their partners more carefully, even though there is frequently a formal agreement between the two parties. To avoid alienating their followers, they work with organizations that represent their distinctive personal brands.

They have worked hard to increase their fan base, so they will not jeopardize it by endorsing something that does not appeal to or fit their target market.  

Contrarily, celebrity product endorsements focus more on associating a person’s name recognition with a particular brand, regardless of the size of the audience.

Let me take you back to the 1990s when you might have seen famous actresses in LUX soap commercials if you were a young child. Although the advertisements were eye-catching, they lacked credibility and dependability because everyone knew the actresses were not actually in them. When influencer marketing advertises any product, credibility is already present.

As the popularity of the digital medium has increased, “influencers” have become the newest brand ambassadors. It has happened because influencers, ordinary people like us with knowledge in a particular field and a sizable fan base, are relatable. Brands have discovered a novel, affordable strategy for disseminating their message. These days, influencers and bloggers are effectively utilized, particularly in the food, beauty, and lifestyle industries. Influencers are now a crucial component of a brand’s marketing metrics. Celebrities now have a sizable online presence thanks to the rising popularity of influencers, allowing brands to utilize them fully.

The best online resource for booking celebrities and influencers is Celebdhoom. Visit the website to connect with experts and learn more about influencer booking and Celebdhoom.


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